A Guide For Auto Windshield Rock Chips

Rock chips are a common occurrence, but that doesn't make them any less frustrating. The following can help you deal with the issue if a rock chip occurs.

Types of Rock Chips

The size of the rock, velocity, and impact trajectory all affect the type of chip that occurs. Star chips, which have lines radiating out from the central chip, and bullseye chips, which are a series of concentric rings around the chip, are some of the most common. Both can be repaired if you act quickly, depending on the extent of the damage and the location.

There are other types of chips. A half-moon chip, for example, is similar to a bullseye, but there is only half a circle due to the angle of the rock at impact. Often, this chip is deeper on one side. In other cases, the chip may be minor, but cracks can spider web out from it in various patterns.

Repair Options

Your repair options depend on the type of chip, its location, and the extent of the damage. Smaller chips, generally those that are no larger than a half-dollar coin in size, can usually be repaired. Your auto glass technician cleans out the chip and then fills it in with a durable clear resin. In some cases, small cracks that are only a few inches long can also be repaired in this manner.

Larger chips or those with cracks that radiate out long distances may not be repairable. It can also be impossible to repair a chip that is too close to the edge of the window or right in the driver's line of sight. In this case, a full windshield replacement is necessary.

Future Damage Prevention

You can reduce the chances of experiencing further rock chips. One way to do that is by paying attention to your driving habits. Avoid driving too closely behind other vehicles, particularly large trucks and vehicles with uncovered loads. Reduce your speed on dirt and gravel roads since rock chips are more common on unpaved roadways. Construction zones can also lead to an increased chance of loose gravel and rock chips, so they are best avoided when possible.

Another option is to inquire at your glass repair shop about protective films, particularly if you can't avoid driving on gravel roads or in other high-risk conditions. This clear film is installed over the windshield. It helps diffuse rock impacts so that chips are less likely to occur.

Contact an auto glass repair service if you have damage to your windshield.
